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Lunchtime Yoga

Join us for an invigorating and rejuvenating Lunchtime Yoga session.

  • 1 hour
  • 20 Canadian dollars
  • Bloomfield

Service Description

Join us for an invigorating and rejuvenating Lunchtime Yoga session that perfectly balances movement, strength, and relaxation in just one hour. In this dynamic practice, we blend the nourishing stillness of Yin Yoga with the energizing flow of Vinyasa, incorporating elements of strength, mobility, and deep relaxation to leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized for the rest of your day. We'll begin by settling onto our mats and tuning into our breath, creating a sense of presence and mindfulness to guide us through our practice. From there, we'll transition into a few grounding Yin poses, allowing us to gently release tension and cultivate a sense of inner calm. Next, we'll flow through a series of dynamic movements and sequences, synchronizing breath with movement to build heat, strength, and flexibility in the body. These flowing sequences will awaken your energy and invigorate your spirit, leaving you feeling both energized and centered. As we move into the strength and mobility portion of the class, we'll explore poses and exercises designed to build stability, balance, and resilience in both body and mind. Finally, we'll transition into a sweet and soothing Restorative pose, allowing us to fully relax into stillness. Supported by props and guided by our breath, we'll melt away any remaining tension, inviting a sense of deep rest and rejuvenation to wash over us. This Lunchtime Yoga practice is suitable for all levels, with modifications offered to accommodate individual needs. Whether you're looking to energize your afternoon or simply take a moment to pause and reset, join us as we come together to nourish body, mind, and spirit in this one-hour journey of movement, strength, and relaxation.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Serendipity Yoga 2, Bloomfield Main Street, Bloomfield, ON, Canada


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